Speaking from Habakkuk 3:19 which is the promise for the week, Pastor Nomthi at the November 11 Sunday service emphasized the importance of abiding in God’s presence. According to her, that is the only way to obtain strength and speed. “If the Lord is truly your strength, your feet will be strong enough to carry you to where you are going,” she said.
She then encouraged every child of God to be determined to live daily by the Word.
Using the account of Jesus’ birth and Herod’s reactions as recorded in Matthew 2:1-13 as an illustration, Pastor Nomthi at the November 8 Thursday Showers service said that when believers do not know who they are in Christ, they get intimidated by every little thing, just as Herod was intimidated and became jealous of baby Jesus.
She noted that everyone has a specific divine assignment, but lack of understanding of one’s assignment would make one to be jealous of another person who is fulfilling his or her assignment. “If you allow the devil confuse you to lose the knowledge of who you are, he would make you fight lost battles,” she said.
She urged them to focus on their assignment and see how blessed they would be. “Do not be troubled by other people’s assignment. Don’t spend your energy on nothing. Focus on your assignment and you will excel and succeed in it,” she urged.