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Pastor Omotayo Bayo Kujure

From the opening prayer to the praise and worship, choir ministration titled ‘’YAHWEH’’ and the prayers session. The prayer points were centred on the Church (TFOLC and the universal Church as a whole), the Nations of the world (including peace for Ukraine and Russia), our Senior Pastor (including the biological children, the wives, the siblings, and spouses). The anchor for this prayer point was Psalm 23:1 and it was prayed that God will continually be their Shepherd to Shepherd them aright. The final prayer point was for every individual. Isaiah 55:12 was taken as the anchor scripture for this prayer point.
The promise for the week was taken from Psalm 136:1. Pastor Bisoye Okwoli who shared briefly on this, mentioned that the mercies of God are infinite and inexhaustible. She noted that there is nothing anyone can do that can exhaust the mercy of God. She also mentioned that the mercies of God are new every morning and that by the mercies of God, we are not consumed. She mentioned that when sin and sickness come, mercy says ‘No’ and the mercy of God constantly says ‘No’ because God is good and to every bad, the devil has planned for the week, the mercy of God says ‘No’ and God is faithful and everything that He does for His children is good. Not because of anyone’s perfection, but by the mercy of God.
The message for the Sunday first service was officiated by Pastor Omotayo Bayo Kujure who spoke on what he titled: “The Lord my Helper.” Taking his opening scripture from the Book of John 5:1-9, he reminded his listeners of the Lord’s promise for the year to the church (Our year of God’s revealing glory) and that in spite of the many expectations and good things in mind, believers still need God’s help so that they can walk on that path of glory without any fault. He mentioned that the interesting thing about life is that it does not only relate to the period of lack but also applies in the period of abundance.
He noted that if God has not built, who can build? If He does not keep watch, no one can. He also stated that no matter how small anything is, God should be involved.
He went on to cite the case of Jabez as recorded in the Book of 1 Chronicles 9, noting that no matter how good Jabez was, he could not realise his potential. Realizing this, he (Jabez) turned to God in prayer requesting expansion and God heard him because he asked for help.
Pastor Kujore also cited another example in the person of King Solomon, who on his assumption to the throne, also realized his weakness and asked God for direction and help to lead the entire nation of Israel. Pastor Kujore emphasized that if God does not help this generation or they do not seek the blessings of the Fathers of Faith, there is no moving forward. He buttressed the fact that we should constantly seek the face of God.
He further mentioned how we can get help from God and anchored it on Psalm 121 because He (God) is the one in charge of the entire creation.
He went ahead to highlight the benefit of seeking God’s help.
He noted that there is an assurance from God which is a benefit for the total reliance on God. He mentioned that God is the keeper of Israel, as well as the keeper of His covenant children. Hence, He will lift their heads, be their maker and everlasting joy.
He further noted that believers need not fight their battles alone. “Do not fight your battles by yourself. Commit everything to God because most times we fight and go astray if we fight the battles personally and not commit it to God,” he said. He further stated that God fights our battles always and not sometimes because He is the Lord our Helper, citing Joshua 10.11 (NKJV) for further emphasis.
No matter how dark it is, we should never give credence to darkness and why bother over mundane things when God is the Helper, Refuge and God that we put our trust in.
Another benefit he noted is that God gives divine provision and grace to work in mercy. Psalm 23:5-6 (NKJV). In other words, God guarantees divine provision.


Pastor Femi Megbope @ Sunday second service

Pastor Femi Megbope, while giving the message at the March 20 Sunday second service stated that the secret to an ever-increasing glory is to thirst and hunger after righteousness. He said this to note that children of God should possess a settled way of thinking as that is what makes them possess “Beautiful Attitudes”- which he said can be equated to meaning the beatitudes.
Taking his anchor scripture from Matthew 5:3-11 and Psalm 23: 7, the clergy explained that righteousness starts from the heart and it is the quality of being morally correct and justifiable. He used Isaiah 64:6 to explain that all our righteousness is like filthy rags hence no need to glory in our righteousness but God’s, for there will always be a way that will seem right to us as humans but the end is destruction (Proverbs 14:12). He said, “If God is in none of our thoughts, then we are wicked and God abhors wicked people (Psalm 10:4, Psalm 7:11).
He opined that “The thirst for God is the secret to an ever-increasing glory of God” which happens to be the theme for the month. He urged every believer to kill their appetite for sin no matter how pleasant it may appear, noting that if believers do not have the appetite for the things of God, then something is wrong, such believer is sick and needs the attention of the doctor which in this case happens to be “God”.
He concluded thus: “God does not place a limit on His glory for us but we can if we do not hunger and thirst after righteousness.” Seeking Jesus may cost us, he said, but the question is “Are we ready to pay the price? How best can you describe your appetite for God?


Dr Anne Sule @ Thursday showers

While giving the message at the March 17 Thursday showers service, Dr Anne Sule affirmed that there are sufferings all over the world and not just limited to Nigeria; stating that sufferings are part of God’s plan to assure His children that as long as they are the called according to His purpose, those sufferings will work for their good.

Citing examples of Biblical characters like Abraham and Isaac (Genesis 12:10 & 26:1-6) who went through sufferings during their time and how the sufferings worked for their good; to say that believers irrespective of status and geographical location would go through some sorts of sufferings but the Lord would always be with them to guide them through it into a glorious end.

Speaking from Romans 8:18-28 and 2 Corinthians 3:18, the minister noted that God allows His children to encounter problems so that they will be solutions to them. This is because creation (the entire world) is earnestly awaiting the revealing of the sons of God. According to her, God’s children are revealed when they provide solutions to the problems of the world. The referred Bible passage mentioned one of these problems being the bondage of corruption; the same thing we are battling as a nation in Nigeria and the Bible has confirmed that Godchildren (Christians) are the solution to this major national problem.

In providing these solutions, Dr Anne noted that some of us as God’s children have to become like Nehemiah who will come back home from our sojourn abroad to rebuild the walls of our nation; some will take bold steps like Esther and some will leave their hiding place like Gideon to save the nation. This, according to her is because nothing catches God unawares and He sees whatever problems we currently face as a nation and has also created His children as solution providers. Ours is to take up that role in order that the Glory of God may be revealed in us through the sufferings.

She concluded her message by outlining six steps to take in transforming our sufferings to Glory. The steps, according to her are as follows; praying always, seeking knowledge, having a heart of service, bridling one’s tongue, having the right authority or mentors, and rejoicing always. All these, she said, are ways through which believers can navigate through sufferings.

In her words, “We have to pray without ceasing because in prayers, our purpose is revealed and the steps to take begins to unfold. Christians are to continue to seek the knowledge of God just like Mary did at the feet of Jesus and not be like Martha who was busy with worldly concerns. We should pray to God to find the right authority that will provide us with Godly guidance in our life’s journey.”

She continued, “We also need to utilize our time and talents to propagate the gospel, providing solutions wherever we find ourselves using our talents. We need to bridle our tongue and change the narrative through our confessions. Then, learn to rejoice in the God of our salvation even when the situation does not seem right or joyful, we are to joy.”

Other scriptural references include: Romans 8:26-28, Luke 18:1, I Thessalonians 5:16, Genesis 26:12-13, Job 42:10, James 3:8-13, Hebrews 10:23, Ruth 1:1-5 -16, and Habakkuk 3:17-18.