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Today’s scripture: Romans: 8:28

“And we know that all things work together for good for those who love Him who have been called according to His Purpose.”

In his book, Authentic Faith, Gary Thomas described a friend of his named Mike. According to Gary, he met Mike when he went to college. Mike was a leader amongst the students, he had everything: A likeable personality, athletic ability, good looks and natural appeal. Everybody wanted to be around Mike. Everybody wanted to be Mike.

However, a few years after college, Mike suffered a severe brain haemorrhage and as a result he lost everything. His handsome appearance was gone, his voice was slurred, he couldn’t teach anymore. Everything that drew people to Mike was now taken from him.

Mike’s treatment required months of gruelling therapy, but eventually he was able to function again. The devastating effect on his body was paralleled by an equally powerful change in his spirit. He still attracted followers but he was no longer focused on himself. He was focused on God. In the words of Gary Thomas “ In college, when I was around Mike, I wanted to be like Mike, now, after spending time with Mike, I want to be more like Jesus”.

Change can be problematic. We all meet with unforeseen circumstances that negatively change our present situations; changes we would otherwise not experience; changes we would rather wish or pray away. The reality however is that seasons come and go, some with negative connotations. What is exciting is that God uses seemingly negative changes to produce positive results in our lives. Indeed, all things work together for our good. This is one of the most profound realties of the Christian experience. Every change we experience is positive, because

God is involved with us every step of the way. So don’t despair, things can only get better. Even when they seem very bad, remember, “All things work together for your good.” Resist the temptation of declaring the former days as better than today. The path of the righteous only gets brighter. Your path is getting brighter. Take a second look at everything that has seemingly changed for the worse in your life; a relationship, a financial condition, anything, take a second look of faith. God is involved. Your seasons are evolving into something better. Summon up strength by the Spirit from within and rejoice. You are on your way to a better place, in Jesus’ name!

Meditate and Memorize:

But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40: 31


Father I thank You, because You have caused all things to work together for my good. I therefore rejoice and am no longer perturbed by the troubles of today. Thank You Lord because You have given me great peace and caused me to prosper in the land of distress. I receive grace to wait on You till my change is manifested and Your purpose is revealed in Jesus name. Amen.