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The King’s Nature


Pastor Jimmy Odukoya @ June Family Sunday Service

Pastor Jimmy Odukoya, while ministering at the June 30 family Sunday service, emphasised the need for believers to understand and embrace their identity as kings in God’s kingdom. He began by affirming that God has given us dominion over all creation, emphasising that our purpose is not to live in survival mode but to reign as kings on earth. Pastor Jimmy quoted Psalm 8:3–9 and Psalm 115:15–16 to illustrate how we often live below our potential because we fail to recognise our true identity in Christ.

Pastor Jimmy emphasised the importance of understanding our identity as believers, citing Galatians 4:1–5 and Hebrews 1:5–13 to demonstrate how our sonship in God underpins our legitimacy as kings. “The moment you accept Christ as your Lord and Saviour, you are a king because you are joint heirs with Him,” he stated.

His message centred on the idea of sitting with Christ. Pastor J explained, “As a king, you are seated with Him. The problem is that a lot of us are standing when God has given us a seat.” He used Psalm 110:1 and Hebrews 1:3 to reinforce that sitting signifies royal dignity and authority.

On exercising our authority as believers, Pastor J urged the congregation to start exercising their authority. “In your kingly nature, you have authority,” he proclaimed, referencing Matthew 8:8–9, Ecclesiastes 8:4, and 1 John 5:14. He explained that authority begins in the mind and must be used confidently. “What is authority if it is not used? That is why the devil fights our minds,” he said, highlighting the importance of speaking with power and purpose.

In his words on the power of words, he said, “The word of the king is powerful and authoritative.” He emphasised that life and death are in the power of the tongue, encouraging believers to make decisions and establish their futures through their words. He warned that if the devil can shut our mouths, he will take our kingship. “From today, begin to form your world and kingdom with the words you speak,” he urged.

He concluded by illustrating the power of unity and strength in prayer, describing it as two kingdoms forming an alliance. He reminded the congregation of their eternal royalty, stating, “As long as God is God and Jesus remains Jesus, your royalty has no end because you are seated with Christ in the heavenly places, far above principalities and powers.”

The service served as a profound reminder of our kingly nature in Christ, encouraging us to embrace our divine authority and embody our royal identity with confidence and purpose.

The full messages are available on the Church’s YouTube Channel, Fountain TV, and Jimmy Odukoya YouTube Channel. The audio messages can be accessed on SoundCloud, Google Podcast, Spotify, and Apple Podcast.




Pastor Jimmy Odukoya @ Thursday showers

Pastor Jimmy Odukoya continued with his exhortation on how believers can give worthy praise to God. In his message at the June 27 Thursday showers, the clergy stated that when praises go up to God, His blessings come down.

Making reference to 2 Kings 7, when there was a severe famine in the land of Israel and God used four lepers, who were physically disabled and seemed not fit for any purpose or qualified as a people, to bring help to the nation of Israel, Pastor Jimmy said that Christians should learn to appreciate God in whatever situation and give Him praise, noting that God can use that seeming unpalatable circumstance to bring glory to His name. “The choice to praise God might not be there, but all God needs is just a little of what you have, and He will amplify it and make it great,” he said.

He continued: “Praising God is not because everything seems to be in order; some have even fought the toughest battle this month of celebration, and the bigger the battle, the bigger the celebration. “As you praise God, He will amplify it and cause victory.”

Pastor Jimmy concluded that when believers focus on God’s plan for them and others, they will record miracles like the four lepers, who went about looking for food for themselves but shared the good news with the king, fulfilling the prophecy of abundant supply in the land.

“The same battle you are fighting may be for the salvation of someone’s soul. In fact, you don’t have to fight the battle because God is the One Himself fighting for you. All you need to do is look to Jesus and focus on Him. Let everything fade away; God knows about that situation more than you, so don’t worry,” he stated.

He then urged his listeners to know their identity in Christ as sons and no longer slaves, adding that they should therefore always focus their worship on God. He then went on to lead the congregation in a session of worship.

The full messages are available on the Church’s YouTube Channel, Fountain TV, and Jimmy Odukoya YouTube Channel. The audio messages can be accessed on SoundCloud, Google Podcast, Spotify, and Apple Podcast.