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Grace Effect- Part 2

Pastor Jimmy @Sunday Service

Grace is God’s one-time package that covers the whole of a man’s life span. These were the words of Pastor Jimmy Odukoya to the congregation at the September 22, Sunday service.

Continuing on the topic, Grace Effect, which he started the previous Sunday, Pastor Jimmy spoke on how God’s grace can move a person from nothing to significance. He recounted the story of a man named Gideon in the Bible whom God moved from a zero to a hero on the account of grace.

Taking his anchor scriptures from Genesis 6:5,11-12, Ecclesiastes 7:20, Romans 3:12-13,22, the Senior Pastor explained that sin causes separation between God and humanity but Grace is what brings salvation and restores the bridge between both. He buttressed this fact with Bible references from 1John 3:4, Isaiah 59:2-3, Romans 5:12, which highlights that sin came into the world through one man (Adam) while also redemption came through one man (Jesus).

According to the senior pastor, the second effect of grace is the covenant of salvation, as seen in the lives of patriarchs/matriarchs such as Noah (Genesis 6:18), Joseph (Genesis 39), Moses (Exodus 2), Rahab, Esther and the like, who were all saved through the grace of God because of their belief on God. Defining salvation as “God’s redemptive plan to save mankind,” he went onto explain that such grace can be gotten by anyone who acknowledges, confesses and believes in the redemptive power of Jesus.

He noted that salvation is God’s grace package to His own elect (John 1:14,16-17) and this grace package, which is tripartite nature consists of justification, sanctification and glorification. He further explained that this one-time package covers the life span of a believer.

The full messages are available on the Church’s YouTube Channel, Fountain TV, and Jimmy Odukoya’s YouTube Channel. The audio messages can be accessed on SoundCloud, Google Podcast, Spotify, and Apple Podcast.



Pastor Jimmy Odukoya @ Thursday Showers

Speaking from the book of Ruth, Pastor Jimmy, while ministering at the September 19 Thursday Showers said that the book of Ruth is a beautiful story that exemplifies Grace at work. According to him, when people are going through tragedy, pain, or loss, they assume that Grace is not present. In his words, “Just because we are in the midst of pain or loss, does not mean that Grace is not working on your matter. Grace has sustained and saved a lot of us from the consequences of our actions.”

Still on the story of Ruth and Boaz’s genealogy, Pastor J pointed out that sometimes chaos may ensue in one’s life and they would be wondering where God is, but Grace is working in their favour. “Don’t be too quick to judge people, you don’t know that grace is working in their favour,” he noted.

He went on to admonish his listeners that nothing just happens when grace is involved. Still making reference to the story of Ruth 2, he went on to highlight the importance of influence God has given to certain people and the need to use it to be a blessing and not a tyrant. He assured his listeners  that in certain rooms of power, God has placed people who will begin to sway things in their favour; this, he said, is Grace.

The full messages are available on the Church’s YouTube Channel, Fountain TV, and Jimmy Odukoya’s YouTube Channel. The audio messages can be accessed on SoundCloud, Google Podcast, Spotify, and Apple Podcast.

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