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Divine Exchange


Pastor Jimmy Odukoya @ Sunday service

The power of God was palpable at the October 13 Sunday service, which turned out to be a prophetic service. The senior pastor, Jimmy Odukoya, speaking from Isaiah 61:1–5, told the congregation that God is willing and ready to exchange their hurt and sickness for His healing and peace. He also noted that they need to submit to God and be willing to let go of any offenses or grudges in their hearts in exchange for God’s healing and blessings.

The clergy thereafter prayed for the broken-hearted, hurting, and those in captivity of grudges and unforgiveness in the service. The service turned out to be spiritual therapy and deliverance from all sorts of hurts, shame, unforgiveness, grudges, and all negativity in exchange for God’s healing and blessings.

Pastor Toluwani Odukoya, while encouraging the congregation earlier in the service from Isaiah 40:4-5, which was the promise for the week, said that no challenge or problem can stand before God, adding that they as believers need to be bold and confront any issue constituting mountains and valleys in their lives. “God’s glory shall be revealed over your matter. It is all about His glory,” she said.

The full messages are available on the Church’s YouTube Channel, Fountain TV, and Jimmy Odukoya’s YouTube Channel. The audio messages can be accessed on SoundCloud, Google Podcast, Spotify, and Apple Podcast.



Pastor Jimmy Odukoya @ Thursday Showers.

Speaking from Philippians 4:6-7 (AMP), Pastor Jimmy at the October 10 Thursday showers explained that anxiousness indicates a lack of trust in God, adding that believers can’t profess to have peace within them and still be anxious as anxiety is not a fruit of the Spirit. “We should not worry about anything, but rather develop unshakeable confidence in God,” he said.

The clergy further stated that divine exchange is when God takes away that which is not beneficial to His children and gives them His eternal promises.

Admonishing his listeners on the power of thanksgiving, the senior pastor stated that thanksgiving unlocks the heavens on their behalf. He said, “You should be thankful for all that you have, even if it is not what you so desire. When you have a heart of thanksgiving, God commits more into your hands because He knows He can trust you.”

He continued, “When you are dancing in the middle of your living room in your self-contained apartment and you are thanking God for your mansion, people will think you are crazy, but you have already received it through thanksgiving. It is not for you to know how it will happen; it is for you to believe it with prayer, supplication, and thanksgiving. The rest is not up to you; the rest is up to God because with man it is impossible, but with God ALL things are possible.”

He therefore urged the congregation to always cast their worries and concerns to God, as this will give them divine peace until they receive their request. In his words, “God didn’t bring you this far to leave you. Cast all your cares upon Him; He cares for you and will give you His peace. There is a peace that comes with knowing that God is creditworthy. Our God is too faithful to fail.”

The full messages are available on the Church’s YouTube Channel, Fountain TV, and Jimmy Odukoya’s YouTube Channel. The audio messages can be accessed on SoundCloud, Google Podcast, Spotify, and Apple Podcast.

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