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Battle Conversations

Pastor Jimmy Odukoya @ Sunday service

Pastor Jimmy Odukoya, during his message at the July 14 Sunday service, warned believers not to be distracted or destabilised by the devil’s lies and not to leave their position in and with Christ, adding that the devil cannot remove them from Christ except as he is able to convince them out of their position.

Dwelling on the sermon title “Battle Conversations,”  the Senior Pastor stated that all the devil has to make a believer get out of their position is through the power of suggestion, stating that once he is able to bring a believer out of his or her position in Christ, such a believer becomes an easy prey to the devil.

Pastor Jimmy used the conversations between David and Goliath in 1 Samuel 17:8–11 as an illustration. He explained that one of the devil’s tactics is to question a believer’s purpose, and once he achieves this, he has defeated the believer. The clergy also cited the conversation between the tempter (Satan) and Jesus Christ in the wilderness as recorded in Matthew 4:3, saying that believers must know how to respond to the devil when he comes to them with questions that could make them doubt who they are in Christ. “Jesus knew who He was and responded from the place that He had nothing to prove. So the devil will also ask you questions, and you must answer them the same way Jesus did.”

Pastor J therefore urged his listeners, following the example of Jesus as recorded in John 1:1–14, Romans 8:2-4, and Genesis 1:26, to understand who they are in Christ and not be caught in the web of proving themselves to the devil or anyone else, as this could land them in trouble.

Earlier in the service, Pastor Toluwani Odukoya encouraged the congregation with Leviticus 26:3–4, which was the promise for the week. According to her, every child of God will achieve their purpose if they listen and obey God, who is not just their instruction but their life coach.

She said, “If you want the result, which are the blessings, listen to your life coach. He created the system, and He knows it way more than you will ever know it. Listen and follow attentively to the instruction of our God. Ask Him for grace, and you will see the result.”

The full messages are available on the Church’s YouTube Channel, Fountain TV, and Jimmy Odukoya’s YouTube Channel. The audio messages can be accessed on SoundCloud, Google Podcast, Spotify, and Apple Podcast.


Pastor Jimmy @ Thursday Showers

On July 11, Thursday showers took an unexpected pattern that could only be seen as a divine interruption. The Senior Pastor, Jimmy Odukoya, as led by the Spirit, invited Pastors Bisoye Okwoli, Femi Megbope and Toni Kanayo to share with the worshippers what God had laid in their hearts.

Pastor Bisoye Okwoli admonished the worshippers in Matthew 11:28, stating the importance of fellowshipping with God. Not undermining the importance of corporate fellowship, Pastor Bisoye added that many have perfected the act of church attendance so much that it has compromised their personal fellowship with God. The female clergy pointed out that the only recipe for rest, as promised in Matthew 11:28, is an intimate time with God.

Also referencing Psalms 20:6-7, which is the theme scripture for the month, she hinted that the kind of experience believers have when they meet with Christ the King always brings them to the realisation of their identity. In her words, “Rest does not mean a trouble-free life, but a life assured of a victorious outcome despite the challenges.”

Pastor Femi Megbope cited Psalms 90:12 (TPT) to clarify to the congregation that accurately interpreting God’s spoken Word is the fundamental essence of any conversation. He therefore emphasised the need for the Showerians to allow the Holy Spirit to interpret for them God’s instructions in order to war effectively.

Pastor Tony read from 1 Corinthians 13:11 to urge worshippers to mature and not remain at the level of a child, adding that what communicates better to the hearts of men is believers’ expression of love. He said, “The season we are in is a season where all that we must do and birth must be consciously expressed through love. Hence, our faith, corrections, and teaching must be done from the place of love, and by this, we mature into men as we put away childish things.”

Pastor Jimmy Odukoya, who later prayed for every worshipper on various aspects of their struggles and confusion, stated that some wilderness experiences are part of God’s will to bring His children to a place of companionship and fellowship with Him. “Without some wilderness experience, there might not be some stripping away of self-perception in our lives, which will allow God to build us better; for the purposes He has for us,” he said.

He therefore urged them to trust and judge God faithfully, because He is the very present help in times of trouble. “We may not have clues about Jesus’ ways, but one thing is certain: He will always meet us at the point of our needs, and He will always be on time. He is the one who sees, hears, and knows; He is God all by Himself,” he concludes.

The full messages are available on the Church’s YouTube Channel, Fountain TV, and Jimmy Odukoya’s YouTube Channel. The audio messages can be accessed on SoundCloud, Google Podcast, Spotify, and Apple Podcast.