Today’s scripture: Psalm 69:30
I will praise the name of God with a song, And will magnify Him with thanksgiving.
Lyubomirsky and Emmons are amongst other researchers who have studied the power of gratitude and here are a few of their findings.
- People with high blood pressure not only lower their blood pressure, but feel less hostile and are more likely to quit smoking and lose weight when they practice gratitude
- People who care for relatives with Alzheimer’s disease feel less stress and depression when they keep daily gratitude journals, listing the things for which they remain thankful
- Those who maintain a thankful attitude through life appear to have lower risks of several disorders, including depression, phobias, bulimia and alcoholism.
- Most people can lift their mood simply by writing a letter of thanks to someone. Hand-deliver the letter and the boost in happiness can last weeks or months
A life style of gratitude changes people by helping them stay wired to positive thoughts, helping them in coping with stress and trauma, encouraging moral behavior, building social bonds, and strengthening existing relationships.
If science can validate the importance of gratitude, how much more we, the direct beneficiaries of God’s grace? Live grateful. The eternal blessings of God abide with you, in Jesus’ name.
Meditate and Memorize:
“I will praise the name of God with song, and shall magnify him with thanksgiving.” Psalm 69: 30
Lord I thank You because Your thoughts for me are good and not of evil; to give me a future, a hope and an expected end. Thank You because You are ultimately causing things to work for my advantage. I ask for the grace to stay thankful always and I ask that I release my faith to receive every blessing associated with thanksgiving. Amen.