Pastor Tolu Odukoya@ Sunday Service
September has been declared the month of “Uncommon Grace,” to members of The Fountain of Life Church. This pronouncement was made by Pastor Tolu Odukoya at the September 1 Sunday service.
Speaking on a message she titled Desert to Destiny, the Associate Senior Pastor said that believers should focus more on what God is doing in their lives rather than what the devil is doing; adding that being in an uncomfortable situation is a sign that God is at work in such a person’s life.
Speaking from Acts 7:20-35, she said that a desert represents anything, thoughts or person that limits the purpose of God in a man’s life. She further explained that a desert could mean different things or situation in a believer’s life. Just as in Moses case, it was a real desert while for Joseph, it was a pit.
Still speaking about Joseph and Moses, Pastor Tolu noted that just as everything Joseph went through was in fulfilment of God’s promise to Abraham as well as what Moses went through was in fulfillment of His salvation promise to the Israelites, everything a child of God goes through is for a purpose. In her words, “Everything you are going through today, even the most difficult time, I want to assure you today that He is with you, and you are coming out strong.”
The clergy cited Exodus 3:3 to urge her listeners to pay attention to what God is trying to make them see in their desert experience instead of getting carried away by their challenges, stating that God did not speak to Moses until he paid attention. “The Lord wanted Moses to be present in His presence so He could speak to him about purpose. God is asking for your attention; He wants you to be still because there are things He wants to tell you. Be present in His presence,” she said.
She also spoke about having trust in God and obeying His instructions, not reasoning or trying to figure out divine instructions with logic. “Most times, we try to help God out when He gives us instructions, figuring out the moves for Him; meanwhile, all He ever needed was for us to just do as He has said,” she said.
She therefore urged the congregation to pay close attention to God in their desert so as to get clear instruction on what to do to be free. “The way out of the desert is to be attentive to what God is telling you to do. God is not looking for your help but a vessel that is available,” she said.
The full messages are available on the Church’s YouTube Channel, Fountain TV, and Jimmy Odukoya’s YouTube Channel. The audio messages can be accessed on SoundCloud, Google Podcast, Spotify, and Apple Podcast.
When God Remembers
Pastor Mary Fayemi @ Thursday showers
Pastor Mary Fayemi while ministering at the August 29 Thursday showers reminded the worshippers that God has never forgotten anyone; adding that even when things don’t work the way believers expect, God is still working.
The clergy further stated that for every remembrance seen in the scripture, there is a promise, a covenant and a fulfilment. Taking her scriptural reference from Genesis 5: 27-29; 6: 8-9 and Genesis 18, she typified Noah as someone who God could count on in a depraved and wicked world, hence God revealed his plan to Noah.
To prove that God always remembers His own, she cited a few Biblical examples as follows: Rahab who brought salvation to her family as recorded in Joshua 6; Abraham whom God chose out of a family of idol worshippers, who then walked closely with God till his faith was counted as righteousness recorded in Genesis 12; Racheal and Hannah, who experienced delay in childbirth but later had their babies.
Pastor Mary also mentioned Joseph, who was sold into slavery, she opined that Joseph might not have been sold if the mother had not died. She further clarified that Joseph’s slavery, imprisonment and his being forgotten were all processes to birth God’s purpose for his life.
The clergy therefore charged the congregants not to allow their present experience to give a wrong perception of who God is; stating further that the joy we experience when God finally delivers our expectation far outweighs the period of waiting.
In her words, “For every man living, there is a purpose, and until our time is ripe, we cannot outrun God. It is impossible for God to forget the righteous after purchasing us with a high price, the death of His only begotten son, Jesus.”
The full messages are available on the Church’s YouTube Channel, Fountain TV, and Jimmy Odukoya’s YouTube Channel. The audio messages can be accessed on SoundCloud, Google Podcast, Spotify, and Apple Podcast.