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Point Of Divine Exchange

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Pastor Jimmy Odukoya @ Sunday service

In continuation of his teachings on divine exchange, Pastor Jimmy Odukoya, during the October 20 Sunday service, explained how faith acts as a point of divine exchange in the lives of believers. According to Pastor Odukoya, who clarified the difference between belief and faith, faith involves taking action to lead to a miracle, while belief is accepting a fact and acknowledging it as true.

Speaking from Luke 17:11-19, the senior pastor cited the case of the ten lepers who received healing as a result of acting out their faith in God. He added that God is waiting for people who will trust in what He has already done and put their faith into action. “God is looking for people who will believe His word and walk in alignment with what He has already said. All God needs from a believer is a seed of faith,” he said.

The pastor continued, “If you don’t put your seed into the ground, it is lifeless.”

He encouraged believers to avoid over-rationalizing or acting as if they know too much, but instead to step out in faith, as instructed in Matthew 7:24. He urged believers not to wait for the manifestation of the word before acting on their faith. “The point of divine exchange is not in the hearing of the word but in the doing,” he emphasized.

Pastor Jimmy also encouraged believers to always maintain a heart of gratitude, as it is the best way to receive from God (Philippians 4:6). He declared to the congregation that their divine exchange can only be realized if they act on their faith, by taking what God has said and moving in alignment with it to receive the miracle He has in store for them.

Other Bible references used include: Matthew 17:20-21, Romans 10:17, Psalm 30:11-12, Ephesians 1:3, Romans 3:4, Matthew 8:6-13, Romans 8:19, and Luke 17:15-17.

The full messages are available on the Church’s YouTube Channel, Fountain TV, and Jimmy Odukoya’s YouTube Channel. The audio messages can be accessed on SoundCloud, Google Podcast, Spotify, and Apple Podcast.



Pastor Jimmy Odukoya @ Thursday Showers

Using the account of the leper healed by Jesus, as recorded in Luke 5:12-13, Pastor Jimmy, during the October 17 Thursday Showers, emphasized the importance of love, hope, and courage in receiving God’s blessings in exchange for challenges. Speaking on the essence of love in healing, Pastor Jimmy explained that Jesus’ response to the leper’s faith with love shows how believers need to be Christ-like in showing love to those around them, as it could be the tool of evangelism that brings them into the Kingdom.

In his words, “You cannot claim to be Christ-like and not have love and compassion in you. You must be compassionate toward people who are in need and to everyone who comes your way, regardless of their status. Don’t be too busy chasing signs and wonders without any iota of the love of Christ in you.”

Pastor Jimmy continued by stating that Christians have a responsibility to give others hope, adding that true love conquers all. “When people come in contact with us, they must feel the love of God. We have a responsibility not just to expect divine exchange but to be conduits of divine exchange. Don’t be too busy serving the work of God that you neglect the God of the work,” he said.

The senior pastor further referenced the courageous act of the leper in receiving his miracle, using it to highlight the importance of hope and faith in God for receiving one’s own miracles. According to him, just as the leper did not focus on the Old Testament law forbidding lepers from mixing with people, but courageously defied all obstacles to meet Jesus for his healing, believers will receive their blessings when they focus on God’s word and have the courage to ask Him.

“Sometimes, when you go through tough seasons, the agenda of the devil is to rob you of your hope because he knows that once you stop believing, you stop asking. And once you stop asking, you start accepting, coping, and adapting to unfavorable situations, eventually identifying yourself by your trauma, situation, or struggle,” Pastor Odukoya said.

The pastor continued, “As a believer, you should not accept the enemy’s lie that this is how your situation will always be. Like the leprous man, decide in your heart to reach out to Jesus with total faith and great audacity.”

Pastor Jimmy urged the church to never miss an opportunity to show kindness to those both above and beneath them. In his words, “Life is like a ladder—be gentle and kind to everyone as you climb up, because you never know who you’ll meet while climbing down.”

The full messages are available on the Church’s YouTube Channel, Fountain TV, and Jimmy Odukoya’s YouTube Channel. The audio messages can be accessed on SoundCloud, Google Podcast, Spotify, and Apple Podcast.

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