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Pastor Jimmy Odukoya @ Sunday service

Dwelling on the theme for the month, Supernatural Victory, Pastor Jimmy Odukoya told the congregation at the July 21 Sunday service that victory is not an option for believers in Christ but a constant thing for them because of their identity in Christ.

He said, “Our victory is constant because we are sitting by the right hand of the Father. If God cannot be defeated, you cannot be defeated. Victory is not a discussion or an option. It is constant. It means you have been through some battles. No victory without battles.”

Speaking on the title, The Armour of Victory, the Senior Pastor read from Ephesians 6:13–17 to say that Christians can have victory when they put on the whole amour of God, adding that remaining in Jesus Christ and abiding in His Truth guarantees victory. According to him, Jesus Christ is the whole Armour of God, and anyone who lives in Him has the full armour of God.

“He is your helmet of salvation, shield of faith, shoes of peace, belt of truth, sword of the Spirit, and breastplate of righteousness. If you do not have Jesus, you have nothing, but if you have Jesus, you have everything,” he said.

Pastor J further explained the whole armour of God, starting with the belt of truth, which signifies a hold and stability for putting things in place. He opined that the belt of Truth communicates personal integrity in the context of the armour of God. “Our integrity must be based on the Truth, Jesus Christ,” he said.

In the same vein, the clergy explained the other armour of God – breastplate of Righteousness, the shoe of Gospel of Peace, shield of Faith, the helmet of Salvation, and the sword of the Spirit. According to him, just as the original function of the breastplate was to protect and cover vital organs from harm, so too should believers guide their hearts against the poison of the devil. He also noted that the shield speaks of protection and victory, adding that Jesus is the shield at the forefront of any situation.

In his words, “Guard your heart, because the devil can poison your mind, and everything that comes out of it will be dirtiness and filth. The helmet protects the head, symbolizing your thoughts. When you awake up, confess the word of God. Everything you allow in your mind must go through the filter of the mind of Christ.”

He therefore urged the congregation to remain rooted in Christ, as that is their way to victory. He said, “Without Jesus, there is no righteousness. Every day you wake up, be intentional by clothing yourself with Christ. Whatever you have done, when you put on Christ, He becomes your covering. God doesn’t see your mess; He sees the righteousness of Christ.”

Other scriptural quotations are Proverbs 4:23, Galatians 3:27, Romans 8:1, Colossians 2:9–10, Ephesians 6:15, Philippians 4:7, Mark 4:39, Proverbs 16:7, 1 John 5:4, Romans 8:31, Isaiah 54:17, Ephesians 5:17, Titus 3:4–7, and Hebrews 4:12.

The full messages are available on the Church’s YouTube Channel, Fountain TV, and Jimmy Odukoya’s YouTube Channel. The audio messages can be accessed on SoundCloud, Google Podcast, Spotify, and Apple Podcast.

Carry God’s Presence

Pastor Dipo Osinloye @ Thursday showers

Pastor Dipo Osinloye, during his ministration at the July 18 Thursday showers, told the congregation while sharing from Psalm 20:6–7 that knowledge is pivotal in living the life God desires for the believers, adding that the knowledge of God is crucial for a fulfilling and purposeful walk with God. “We don’t go anywhere without carrying the presence of God. If you see me, you must, of necessity see the properties of God,” he said.

Speaking from 2 Peter 3:9 and Matthew 28:18–20, the clergy stated that one of the ways believers carry the presence of God with them is by evangelizing and bringing souls to the Kingdom of God, stating that God doesn’t want the death of sinners but for them to come to repentance. “When souls perish, God doesn’t like it. Go and evangelize,” he said.

He assured members of Christ’s constant presence. “No matter what we face, Jesus is with us,” he stated.

In his further expounding on the Bible and the importance of trusting God, he referenced Mark 4:35–41, urging his listeners to place their trust in Jesus’ words, as He consistently upholds His promises, regardless of their circumstances. In his words, “If Jesus says, let’s go to the other side, the other side it is. And in every area of our lives, there is one side; there’s the other side… so if Jesus says let us go to the other side, you matter.”

Pastor Dipo thereafter urged the worshipers to keep walking with Christ, as walking with Him includes preaching the gospel to the unsaved, knowing and trusting Him.