Pastor Jimmy @ Sunday Service
In continuation of his message, “The Birthing Process,” Pastor Jimmy, during the April 28th Sunday service, refreshed his listeners’ memories by outlining the three stages involved: the first, second, and third trimesters. He stated that in the first trimester, nothing changes outwardly; it’s the conception stage, and only the one carrying the promise knows what’s happening internally. He emphasized that this stage is for the promise carrier to be aware of, not to be outwardly displayed.
Speaking further on the birthing process, he delved into the second stage, the second trimester. He explained that this is the growth stage where the fetus begins to take shape. At this point, the promise undergoes a change, visible and known to all. It’s the promotion stage, where opportunities unfold, and one begins to discover oneself, leading to the manifestation of one’s true identity. The growth stage bridges the gap between conception and delivery, and sometimes God keeps people in this stage longer to prevent premature delivery.
Buttressing his thoughts further, Pastor Jimmy read from Malachi 3:2, highlighting that God often keeps His own in this stage, purifying them until He sees His reflection in them. He keeps them in specific situations to test their patience. David’s story serves as a good example. In 1 Samuel 16:13-19, despite being anointed as King of Israel by Prophet Samuel, David continued tending to his flock. From tending sheep, he was brought to the palace to serve King Saul. This change in location signifies growth. He was closer to his promise but didn’t abuse his access to the throne.
The skills required as a shepherd differed from those needed as an armor-bearer for the king. With each new level comes new responsibilities. Pastor Jimmy cautioned that one should be mindful when asking for promotion, as others wait for one’s failure. He elaborated that with promotion comes a loss of certain luxuries and the freedom to do as one wishes. According to Pastor Jimmy, most people often forget who brought them to that stage of promotion once they achieve it. He cited Peter’s example, who asked Jesus to bid him walk on water but then took his gaze away from the one who had told him to come. Psalms 75:6-7 reminds us that promotion comes solely from God, and Psalms 113:7-9 emphasizes that only God establishes man, so the pursuit of clout becomes unnecessary.
Pastor Jimmy continued, saying that God often brings believers close to the promise to instill patience. While proximity brings access, it shouldn’t be abused. He emphasized that no one can carry a mantle they haven’t served for.
Reading from Psalms 37:7, he pointed out that most Christians make the mistake of comparison. Everyone walks different paths in life, and comparing journeys is futile. As stated in Ecclesiastes 7:8, what truly matters is the end, achieving the set goal. For some, proximity leads to downfall when pride sets in. The moment pride takes hold during a time of proximity, downfall becomes imminent.
Referring to 1 Samuel 17, the Senior Pastor described how even after being anointed, David continued tending to his father’s flock while also serving King Saul. His proximity to the promise and the access he had to the throne did not alter his identity. It was during one such errand for his father that he encountered Goliath, an event that propelled him into the limelight.
In conclusion, Pastor Jimmy stated that when delays occur, it’s simply God ensuring everything is prepared for a perfect delivery.
The Associate Senior Pastor, Pastor Toluwani, took the promise for the week from Jeremiah 33:3. She acknowledged that Prophet Jeremiah was in a difficult situation at that point, but God met him there. Encouraging the congregation, she emphasized that regardless of the situation or the darkness one might face, God sees, knows, and will surely intervene and bring about the desired change.
The full messages are available on the Church’s YouTube Channel, Fountain TV, and Jimmy Odukoya YouTube Channel. The audio messages can be accessed on SoundCloud, Google Podcast, Spotify, and Apple Podcast.
Pastor Paul Briggs @ Thursday Showers
After a week’s break for the Word Explosion 2024, The Fountain of Life Church’s (TFOLC) Thursday Showers service returned on April 25th. Held at the Ilupeju area of Lagos State, the service saw Pastor Paul Briggs speak about the importance of praise, reminding the congregation of the need to actively express it to God.
The lead pastor of the King’s Dome expression of TFOLC, situated in Egbeda, Lagos State, told the worshippers that praise is one of the mysteries bestowed upon believers. “One of these mysteries among many is praise. There is something about praise you must understand,” he said, reading from Mark 4:11.
According to Pastor Briggs, praising God is an acknowledgment of His sovereignty. He noted that it is good to praise God and that our praises please Him, as highlighted in Psalm 147:1.
He further emphasized that praises move God. “When you praise God, things have to move,” he added, stating that “Praise invites God’s presence.”
Pastor Briggs encouraged the congregation to keep the finished works of Christ in mind while praising God. “As you are praising Him, you are thanking Him ahead of time,” he said, noting that although praise might appear unconventional, it is a powerful tool.
“When you enter praise, God steps in,” he told them, recalling how praise helped the children of Israel demolish the Walls of Jericho as captured in Joshua 6:1-27.
As with every Thursday Showers service, this week’s edition featured testimonies of God’s faithfulness from the worshippers. There were also praise and worship sessions to express gratitude for the success of the Word Explosion Conference.
The full messages are available on the Church’s YouTube Channel, Fountain TV, and Jimmy Odukoya YouTube Channel. The audio messages can be accessed on SoundCloud, Google Podcast, Spotify, and Apple Podcast.