Pastor Jimmy Odukoya @Sunday Service
Speaking on the cost of the birth of Jesus Christ, Pastor Jimmy Odukoya, during his message at the December 22 Sunday service, reminded his listeners that the birth of Jesus, which everyone celebrates each Christmas season, came at a great price. He explained that just as every gift costs the giver something, the gift of Jesus Christ cost God immensely.
The price tag on Jesus Christ as a gift to humanity, according to the clergy, was His death. While many celebrate His birth, God was giving up His only begotten Son to be sacrificed for the salvation of all.
The Senior Pastor continued to say that the birth of Christ also cost Mary, His mother, her reputation, stating that she faced the risk of being stigmatized or even stoned to death, as prescribed in Deuteronomy 22:23-24. Yet, Mary laid down her reputation for God. She chose to be in favour with God rather than with man.
Others who bore the cost of being available for the birth of Jesus include Elizabeth, Joseph and the Magi from the East. For Elizabeth, it cost her a closed womb for many years in order to birth the forerunner of Jesus Christ. For Joseph, it cost him his reputation to take Mary as his wife, despite it being socially unacceptable. He chose to ignore public opinion and obey God.
For the Magi (Wise Men), the cost involved their worship, time, and wealth. Upon seeing the star that signaled the birth of a king, they traveled great distances in search of the newborn King, worshiping Him with their lives and treasures. According to Pastor Jimmy, “You cannot search for the truth and not collide with the truth.”
Pastor Jimmy therefore urged his listeners to remember the price tag on Christ’s birth, adding that God’s blessings may not come when it’s convenient, but they are always worth the cost. “This Christmas, as you unwrap the gift of salvation, don’t forget the price that made it all possible,” he said.
Earlier in the service, Pastor Toluwani Odukoya encouraged the congregation from Ephesians 1:3 – the promise for the week – that God loves and cares about them, adding that every time God sees them, He sees Jesus; and everything He gives to Jesus, He gives to them.
The Associate Senior Pastor therefore admonished them to understand their identity and worth as partakers of Christ’s blessings because they have been bought with His precious blood. “You are a child of God, not a slave. He died so you can have His blessings in abundance,” she said.
The full messages are available on the Church’s YouTube Channel, Fountain TV, and Jimmy Odukoya’s YouTube Channel. The audio messages can be accessed on SoundCloud, Google Podcast, Spotify, and Apple Podcast.
Pastor Amaka Maduneme @ Thursday Showers
Pastor Amaka began her message at the December 19 Thursday Showers by telling the worshippers that God is consistently faithful and loving. She said this to add that only God’s word is sure and will always come to pass, adding that they should run with God’s words as He can be trusted. “Thanks givers cannot be stranded because doubt cannot occupy their hearts when they thank God,” she said.
Leading the worshippers in a thanksgiving prayer (Isaiah 40:12-27, Romans 8:28-31, Acts 16:16-23), testimony thanksgiving and warfare praise, the clergy stated that the miraculous happen when God is praised.
She therefore encouraged them to not give up on God because the remaining days of the year are still enough for God to visit them for the miraculous. “God loves you so much, and He is the God of the 11th hour. He is able to do exceedingly and abundantly more than you can ever ask or imagine,” she urged.
The full messages are available on the Church’s YouTube Channel, Fountain TV, and Jimmy Odukoya’s YouTube Channel. The audio messages can be accessed on SoundCloud, Google Podcast, Spotify, and Apple Podcast.