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The Grace Effect

Pastor Jimmy Odukoya @ Sunday service

Explaining the transformational power of Grace in bringing about both insight and foresight, Pastor Jimmy Odukoya during the September 15 Sunday service told the congregation that insight allows believers to comprehend spiritual truths and discern God’s will, while foresight enables them to anticipate and prepare for future events based on spiritual understanding.

Speaking from Genesis 6:2-18 and citing biblical figures such as Noah, Joseph, and Moses, the Senior Pastor illustrated how divine insight and foresight can be received through God’s grace, which enables one to accomplish extraordinary and unconventional feats. “God’s grace often leads Christians to take actions that go beyond human expectations,” he said.

Pastor Odukoya focused on the role of the Holy Spirit as a conduit for divine instructions from God; adding that believers need to seek God’s opinion in all situations, especially during difficult times, rather than relying on human counsel. In his words, “The Holy Spirit offers an advantage by providing God’s perspective, guiding believers in spiritual truth, and giving them unique insight and wisdom.”

The clergy then encouraged his listeners to not go through life hurriedly or without direction, emphasizing the importance of engaging with the Holy Spirit to fully grasp and apply God’s wisdom in everyday life. “The Holy Spirit helps us to know (insight) and understand (foresight) the wonderful things freely given to us by God. He is always available to provide guidance,” he urged.

Earlier in the service, Pastor Tolu, while encouraging the congregation from Deuteronomy 11:25 which was also the promise for the week, said that opposition is inevitable when there is impact and influence. She pointed out that God has commanded Christians to claim wherever they tread, highlighting the importance of taking action to bring this promise to reality. Pastor Tolu encouraged the congregation to move forward and participate, even in the face of challenges, and not to be discouraged by opposition.

She also stated that while favour often brings envy, God’s favour acts as a shield for His people. She also urged the believers to stay steadfast, trust in God’s promises, and continue to move forward, confident that His favour will protect and guide them through difficulties.

The full messages are available on the Church’s YouTube Channel, Fountain TV, and Jimmy Odukoya’s YouTube Channel. The audio messages can be accessed on SoundCloud, Google Podcast, Spotify, and Apple Podcast.



Pastor Jimmy Odukoya at Thursday Showers

The September 12 Thursday showers unexpectedly took a different turn from its normal pattern. It was an outpouring of gratitude through praise and dancing among the worshippers. Leading the church in a session of praise and thanksgiving, the Senior Pastor, Jimmy Odukoya explained that grace far outweighs money, adding that it is priceless and inexhaustible because the source from which it comes is inexhaustible. “Regardless of what the situation or circumstance is saying, you can never run out of grace. The more you use it, the more it increases, it is new every morning,” he said.

Differentiating a source from a resource, Pastor Odukoya explained that a resource is the blessing while the Source is where the blessing comes from. He also noted to his listeners that believers make decisions a lot of times based on the resource and not the source.

Speaking from Revelations 22:13, the clergy stated that God is not perturbed by the unpalatable situation around His children because He has already made provisions for them. “Although Nigeria’s economy is not so favourable at the moment, God is not reacting to the economy of Nigeria, neither is He surprised by it, He is proactive; He knows the end from the beginning and He already made provisions for us ahead of time,” he said.

The man of God also noted that God will never send His children to destruction. He said, “God will never send you where His grace cannot keep you. You don’t have to know where the resources will come from, provision has already been made because God is your source and not a resource. You can run out of resources, but you cannot run out of the source.”

He continued, “Beloved, don’t be worried about tomorrow, be anxious for nothing. If God needs to use your enemy to feed you, He will do it. You don’t have to know where the resource will come from, just connect to the source. Even when you are weak, grace is strong, even when your faith is waning, grace comes to find you where you are.”

He therefore urged them from Philippians 4:6 to always approach God’s throne of Grace with thanksgiving, believing for a supernatural miracle. He said, “Are you worried about your school fees, business, rent, and other things? Hand them all over to grace today and watch God pour out His uncommon grace upon you.”