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The Grace of Remembrance

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Pastor Jimmy Odukoya @ Sunday service

Using Mephibosheth, the son of Jonathan, and the faithfulness of God’s grace recorded in 2 Samuel 9:1 as illustration, Pastor Jimmy Odukoya told the congregation at the August 11 Sunday service that events are divinely orchestrated rather than coincidental for Christians, adding that God intentionally works in their favour. “God is intentionally working in your favour as was the case with Mephibosheth,” he said.

The Senior Pastor highlighted that grace for the covenant child of God is abundant and available even before the foundations of the earth; stating that Christians are beneficiaries of grace through Jesus Christ just as Mephibosheth benefited from Jonathan and David’s relationship.

This grace, according to Pastor Odukoya, is established for Christians through the blood of Jesus. He also reassured his listeners that God identifies with His children regardless of their circumstances, using the example of Mephibosheth, who, despite being crippled, was able to eat at the king’s table. “Your mess cannot stain God’s white, your mess cannot bleach the blood of Jesus, but rather the blood bleaches your mess and makes it white as snow.”

He therefore urged them to recognize their potential to impact their generation, noting that decisions and actions have lasting generational effects. “God’s blessings extend to the third and fourth generations.”

Earlier in the service, Pastor Mary Fayemi encouraged the congregation from Numbers 23:19, which was the promise for the week. She emphasized the importance of recognizing the difference between human limitations and God’s unfailing nature. According to her, God is steadfast and true to His word towards His children.

She therefore urged the congregation to not doubt God’s promises or think that He can fail, assuring them that there will be a manifestation of what He has spoken, as God is never late concerning His word.

The full messages are available on the Church’s YouTube Channel, Fountain TV, and Jimmy Odukoya’s YouTube Channel. The audio messages can be accessed on SoundCloud, Google Podcast, Spotify, and Apple Podcast.


Divine Remembrance

Pastor Tayo Bayo-Kujore @ Thursday Showers

Referencing the theme scripture for the month; Malachi 3:16-17, Pastor Tayo while ministering at the August 8 Thursday showers explained that God listens to both the prayers of His children as well as their thoughts. He said, “It is not just when we pray that God listens to us, God listens to our thoughts as well.”

Also speaking from Eccleciastes 3:1-2, the clergy explained that there is time for every purpose and the period of purpose is a period to plant and to reap what you have planted.

“Our names being written in the book of remembrance is not automatic, there are certain things we must pay attention to and certain important questions we must answer in order to be included in the book of remembrance,” he said.

He further expatiated that believers who desire to walk in purpose and be divinely remembered must understand their identity, know their God, know their purpose, as well as understand and value relationships around them.

In his words, “You can’t walk in purpose unless you understand who you are. There is no one that has been created to be useless. In life, there are giftings, callings and choices. Find out what your gifting or calling is. You can’t be another person, if you try to be another person, you will be stranded.”

The clergy continued, “Learn to value relationships, relate well with people. Treat people well, you might be treating an angel in disguise. Don’t look down on people with disdain, don’t underrate the potentials of God in people just because you are better than them.”

The clergy thereafter encouraged his listeners at the service to not relent in doing good and being of service to God and humanity as they would be remembered in due time by God. “You must understand that there is no good thing you do that goes unnoticed in life and in eternity. There is a time the book of remembrance will be called forth,” he said.

The full messages are available on the Church’s YouTube Channel, Fountain TV, and Jimmy Odukoya’s YouTube Channel. The audio messages can be accessed on SoundCloud, Google Podcast, Spotify, and Apple Podcast.