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The Nation Giver

The Nation Giver

Pastor Jimmy Odukoya @ Sunday service

In his sermon at the June 23 Sunday service, Pastor Jimmy Odukoya emphasised the concept of faithfulness and the significance of one’s capacity to receive God’s blessings. Defining faithfulness as doing what one has committed to do, how one plans to do it, and when one plans to do it even when no one is watching, the clergy stated that staying faithful regardless of unmet expectations and avoiding imposing timelines on God are vital attributes of genuine believers.

“Waiting is a crucial part of faithfulness, and this period should be used for preparation, free from fretting, anxiety, or worry,” he said.

Pastor Jimmy read from Psalm 2:7-9 and said that the capacity of the recipient, not the gift itself, determines the value of a gift.

He also stated that the one who is receiving the gift must have the capacity to handle that which is given; otherwise, the gift would appear not to be valuable to the recipient. “With God, the question is not if He can do it, but about the capacity of the person receiving,” he said.

The Senior Pastor also added that God will not give a blessing that the intended recipient does not have the capacity to handle, but rather God will bless according to the receiver’s capacity.

Pastor Odukoya supported this by examining the lives of four biblical figures—Saul (before becoming king), David, Joseph, and Daniel—to whom God entrusted nations, highlighting their shared attribute of faithfulness. According to him, these characters stayed committed to their assignments despite the challenges they faced, doing what was right even at personal cost. In his words, “There is nothing that you give to God in the present that you will not gain in the future.”

Pastor Odukoya therefore urged the church to remain faithful to God, adopting all the outlined aspects of faithfulness consistently, assuring them that God never forgets His children.

Earlier in the service, Pastor Toluwani Odukoya urged the congregation from 2 Kings 3:17, which was the promise for the week, to expand their capacity, remove limitations from their perception of God, and dare to dream big. Emphasising the importance of expectation, the Associate Senior Pastor said, “Expectation is the foundation from which God executes.”

She then encouraged the church to maintain their focus on God rather than their circumstances, fostering a mindset of faith and openness to God’s limitless potential.

The full messages are available on the Church’s YouTube Channel, Fountain TV, and Jimmy Odukoya YouTube Channel. The audio messages can be accessed on SoundCloud, Google Podcast, Spotify, and Apple Podcast.



Pastor Jimmy Odukoya @ Thursday showers

Pastor Jimmy Odukoya has told believers to stand firm in the face of difficulty and lean on God to see them through. He said this while ministering at the June 20 Thursday shower service.

Speaking from the theme scripture for June, Psalm 2:7-9, the senior pastor stated that God is always there for the believer, irrespective of the condition. “You think God does not know what is going on with you. Some of us are in our situations, thinking God has deserted us, but we forget that God is already in our future. What you are going through will not take you out,” he said.

Also citing Genesis 15:13–14 and 2 Chronicles 2:20–29, the preacher told the worshippers to imbibe the attitude of praise, likening it to an antidote to the challenges of life. “The antidote to that situation is in your praise. Whatever that is, we deploy our weapon of warfare because the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but they are mighty to God for the pulling down of strongholds,” the preacher told the gathering.

Pastor Jimmy also told the congregation that praise is not conditional or based on what they want from God. “We know that praise is a weapon; we know that praise fights and subdues the neck of His enemy. We know that we don’t praise God because of the things He is doing or has done in our lives,” he said.

He continued, “We praise Him simply because of who He is—because He is deserving of our praise. We do not praise God in a transactional situation. We don’t withhold praise because things don’t go the way we expected.”

He therefore urged them to not stop trusting God for supernatural intervention, as that results in celebration, as he led the worshippers in a shout of praise to God. “This is not how the story ends. God is already in your future. You have every reason to praise Him,” he said.

The full messages are available on the Church’s YouTube Channel, Fountain TV, and Jimmy Odukoya YouTube Channel. The audio messages can be accessed on SoundCloud, Google Podcast, Spotify, and Apple Podcast.